Why I consider this scary

Earlier today, I posted a link to this New York Times article on the resignation of Alabama Governor Robert Downey, and commented that the sixth paragraph was scary.  That paragraph reads:

“The idea that moral hypocrisy hurts you among evangelical voters is not true, if you’re sound on all of the fundamentals,” said Wayne Flynt, an ordained Baptist minister and one of Alabama’s pre-eminent historians. “Being sound on the fundamentals depends on what the evangelical community has decided the fundamentals have become. At this time, what is fundamental is hating liberals, hating Obama, hating abortion and hating same-sex marriage.”

Who would have thought that “the fundamentals” were fungible?

Let alone that “evangelical voters,” “the evangelical community” would have “decided … what is fundamental is hating liberals, hating Obama, hating abortion and hating same-sex marriage.”  Not exactly a paraphrase of John 13:35. The opposite, in fact.

All in all, a depressing read, but, unfortunately, not an outlier.

I imagine most evangelical voters supported Mike Pence, who has famously said that he is “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”  If Wayne Flynt is correct, I would suggest the word order be reversed and “Christian” be put in scare quotes (and not just because that was the reaction I had).

And, for the record, I am a Christ-follower.

I’m Offended! By Easily-Offended Christians — New Small Church

Well, we did it. We made it through this Christmas without a major national brouhaha erupting about a not-holy-enough red cup, banned lyrics at a school play, or a scandalously-placed manger scene. So let’s keep it going, shall we? Let’s resolve to go through the coming year determined not to be so easily offended anymore.…

via I’m Offended! By Easily-Offended Christians — New Small Church

**I particularly endorse the last two paragraphs:

Let’s get outraged on behalf of the poor, the orphans, the widows, the abused, the refugees and the outcasts.

Jesus got angry. But he used it surgically. He used it when people attacked others, not when they attacked him. And he told us to do the same.

10 Things That Demonstrate The World You Grew Up In No Longer Exists — Carey Nieuwhof

You know things are changing, but the real questions is how quickly and how deeply. Well, the change is pretty fast and pretty deep. In fact, unless you’re under 25, the world into which you’re born doesn’t really exist anymore. You may have heard of the the Beloit College Mindset list. It comes out every year and…

via 10 Things That Demonstrate The World You Grew Up In No Longer Exists — Carey Nieuwhof